Kåre Bjerkø
I april fik jeg til opgave at portrættere filmkomponisten, Kåre Bjerkø. Det var et meget inspirende møde, med en meget spændende og varm personlighed.
Jeppe Tuxen og Hammond-orglet
Jeppe Tuxen fanget i et stille øjeblik, inden en koncert med Ibrahim Electric på Jazzhouse.
Superfast photoshoot vol. 2
Im back home to the civilisation (or let us just call it Copenhagen). I got time to make a couple more of the photos from the superfast photoshoot of my girlfriend yesterday. This time from my 5D mkII, on a…
Superfast photoshoot
My girlfriend and I took the weekend at my family holiday house. Friday she went berserk in the local second hand shop and bought a bunch of clothes. And today she wanted to show her new second hand findings on…
And now for something completely else
Ive never been into manipulating pictures, actually I find it to take most of the genuineness and reliability out of the Photograph. But almost everything in this life has to be tried, and when it still was warm and sunny…
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